Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Supplies keep coming

I purchased my 2nd hockey bag on Monday. I had gone into Canadian Tire to purchase the cheapest bag I could find and of course they were out of stock, but when I went to another store the next day, I found a better deal. A nicer bag on sale for much less! Unfortunately, the bags appeared to be priced wrong, but when the sales person found out I was using the bag to go away she gave it to me at the sale price anyway. Tonight, I thought I'd start packing some of the toys I have received from many generous people, but I just got off the phone with Karen (our team captain and orgainzer extrodinaire) and I found out that I can bring supplies that I have not advised everyone about.

If anyone is still looking to purchase items for me to fill my bags, here is an updated list:

-diapers (re-useable for toddlers and teens)
-mosquito nets (can be purchaed from Mountain Equipment Co-op and IKEA)
-triangle bandages/slings

I'm hoping that I can take every donate with me on this trip, but as I am limited to 55lbs per bag, I may have to store supplies until my next trip. I promise everyone that if I can't take them this time around, they WILL get to Haiti!

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