Friday, November 2, 2012

Three More Sleeps

Hello blog, I've missed you. Quite a long time has passed since I spent a considerable amount of time here and I look forward to providing daily updates while I'm in Haiti.

Only 3 more sleeps!! I'm getting excited and this year a bit anxious as the recent hurricane has again left Haiti with floods, increased risk of Cholera and 52 deaths. Last year, we witnessed considerable improvement in the roads being cleared of rubble and many less people living in tent cities.

I'm looking forward to seeing the kiddos at the orphanages and when we do outreach days but right now my mind is on preparing to get there. This week has been an act of balancing work and trip preparations. I was able to store all my Haiti gear in a large room at work that has been wonderful. I was able to pack in a well lit room that is indoors (I usually pack on the patio in my backyard). I can also store all my donations here until next year. My company was generous and agreed to allow me to take reusable cloth diapers that are no longer used company-wide. I was able to fit about 6 dozen of them in my bags and I am hopeful that this will improve the comfort of many of the children who are incontinent and are currently using a t-shirt wrapped around their torso as a diaper.

I managed to pack 2 weeks of clothes into a carry on bag. For those who know me well, they know that this is a big deal!! I could easily pack this much when I spend the weekend at my boyfriend's house for the weekend. I'm quite proud of myself, I only had to re-pack twice!!

Once again, the vast generosity of amazing people in my life have assisted me in raising more than required for this trip and got me close to my goal of raising enough for next year's trip as well.

I'll be leaving on Monday Nov 5th and arriving in Haiti Nov 6th. This trip will be very different as there are 11 team members and only 3 of us have been to Haiti before. I am looking forward to seeing this beautiful country through new people's eyes. I'll keep in touch!!

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